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Level: Sub-Fonds
Calendar of Essex Assize File [ASS 35/100/2] Assizes held at Chelmsford 1 August 1659.
Scope and Content:
Indictment of William Bones, Abraham aham Bones labourers and Mary Warner wid., all of finchingfield, "being common witches and inchauntrixes" there bewitched Sara smith spr., so that "her body was greately wasted, consumed, poyned and lamed". William dead; Abraham aham and Mary plead not guilty; not guilty. Witnesses: Sara Smith, gilbert Harrington, James Harrinton Alice Stebinge, Alice Saymes, Hannah Hills. [ASS 35/100/2/13]
Dates of Creation:
10 August 1658
Not Available:
Catalogue entry only. Original held at the National Archives.