Essex Archives Online offers digital images of thousands of documents from the Essex Record Office (ERO), including historic Essex parish registers and wills.
A few images, mainly of pictorial material, are available to view free of charge, but to see other images outside the ERO Searchroom you will need to register and then buy a subscription.
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A subscription gives you access to these images:
175,000 images of original wills from Essex and eastern Hertfordshire, dating between 1400 and 1858. These can be found by searching the catalogue for the word will and a name, occupation or place-name. More information about what these records contain can be found in our subscription service FAQs
Subscription prices
Subscriptions are available for various periods between 1 day and 1 year
These prices include Value Added Tax (VAT) where applicable (VAT registration GB1042528 13). Subscribers from outside either the UK or the EU will not be charged VAT.
How to subscribe
After paying, but before logging in, you have a 14-day period when you can cancel your subscription for a full refund. By logging in within that period you will lose the right to a refund and you will be acknowledging that you have lost that right. Once you have logged in, any refund would be at our discretion, and if given it could be subject to an administration charge. See our terms and conditions for more details. However, we will always try to deal fairly with you, whatever the circumstances.
Remember that Essex Archives Online is a complete catalogue of all the archives that we hold, not just of the ones that we have digitised. Most archives are still available only as original documents. Before subscribing, do please check that we have images of the documents you want to see. Images are indicated in the catalogue by a picture frames icon If you do not see the icon, the document is not available online, but usually you can either inspect the original in the ERO Searchroom (Archives Card required), commission us to search it for you, or order your own copy through our Reprographics service.
For more details on subscribing, please see our subscription service FAQs. If you still have queries after that, please contact us.