Interview with Stan Newens about being MP for Harlow
Level: Category
Sound Archive
Level: Fonds
Scope and Content:
Title: Harlow Project; Reminiscences of Stan Newens
Speaker(s): Newens, Stan (1930-2021)
Date of recording: /2/87
Addl.documentation: Biographical note
Depositor: BBC Essex
Restrictions: BBC
Synopsis of tape: Stan Newens, Labour MP for Harlow between 1974 and 1983, interviewed about living in and representing the town. Newens talks about moving from Bethnal Green to North Weald in 1939; the reaction against proposed new towns at Harlow and Ongar; moving to Harlow in 1967; Londoners' expectations of Harlow; 'New Town Blues' amongst a minority of residents; politics in the area; Winston Churchill's Epping seat; hearing about Labour victory in the 1945 election; involvement in the Labour party from 1949; Epping Rural District Council (RDC) and parish councils; local personalities like constituency agent Alf Brown; railwaymen Bill Fisher and Ted Woodlands, and Fred James; mobilisation in favour of New Town, with Harlow Defence Association in opposition; the role of Lady Gibberd and Leah Manning, Labour MP for Epping; the success of Harlow as a new community; the impact of subsequent changes in industry, with the closure of factories and loss of work; commuting out of Harlow resulting in compromise of original success; current status as a dormitory town; and the need for more garages and land to build houses for the new generation.

Recording note: Ends abruptly.
Dates of Creation:

Key terms

TypeKey termsDescription
Subjects Labour Party Harlow Project; Reminiscences of Stan Newens 1987
Subjects Local government Harlow Project; Reminiscences of Stan Newens 1987
Subjects Politics Harlow Project; Reminiscences of Stan Newens 1987
Document Types Sound recording Harlow Project; Reminiscences of Stan Newens 1987