Level: Category
Sound Archive
Level: Fonds
Scope and Content:
Title: Southend Airfield 1944
Speaker(s): John Hayes
Date of recording: 1990
Length of tape: 13 minutes
Depositor: BBC Essex
Restrictions: BBC Essex
Synopsis of tape: RAF Ground Technician's memories of Southend airfield in 1944; heroism of Czech Spitfire pilots; crash of American Flying Fortress; importance of Southend in D Day preparations; social life of foreign troops in area - The Bell pub, dances at the Palace, Odeon Cinema; kindness of local people (Unedited interview for Essex Airfields at War)
Dates of Creation:
Publication Notes:
Extracts from this recording were used for the book 'The Occupied Coast: Living in the Shadow of the Atlantic Wall' by Aline Sax, Hannelore Vandebroek, Jonas Raats and Maarten Mahieu, researchers from the Geheugen Collectief, commissioned by the Province of West Flanders (Hannibal Publishing, 2014) ISBN: 978 94 9137 686 3

Key terms

TypeKey termsDescription
Subjects Second World War Southend Airfield 1944, 1990
Document Types Sound recording Southend Airfield 1944, 1990